

Article I ­ Name
Section 1:   The full and formal name of the organization is: THE GREATER DETROIT SOARING AND HIKING SOCIETY; here in after referred to as the Club, or GDS&HS, or GDSHS.
Article II: ­ Address
Section 1:   The permanent address of the Club is: none
Section 2:   A secondary and transitory address may be established as required by the current president for his term of office. 
  The club secretary ­ 6410 Waterford Hill Terrace, Clarkston, MI 48346 
Article III ­ Purpose
Section 1:   The primary purpose of the Club is to foster and support all phases of sporting and competitive activity for R/C (Radio Control) model sailplanes; To encourage personal and collective advancement in knowledge of aeronautics and related arts and sciences, and to promote general interest in R/C soaring flight.

Article IV ­Policy
Section 1:   The Club shall be a voluntary association of individuals with common interest. All members are expected to support the philosophies and concepts set forth in these bylaws and are active in the pursuit of R/C modeling proficiency.
Section 2:   There shall be one general meeting per year and any special meetings that shall be deemed necessary by the club “Executive Officers”.
Section 3: The Club shall be a non­profit organization supported by dues and other fund raising activities as agreed to by the “Executive Officers” and approved at a general club meeting.
Section 4: This document will be published on the club web site so that all the club requirements for membership are known to the general public.

Article V -Membership
Section 1:   The qualifications for membership shall be:
A current AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) membership is required of all applicants and active members. If a member allows his AMA membership to lax, they will no longer be considered an active member or be allowed to participate in club activities. Dues will be paid by the first of March each year or a monetary penalty will be assessed to the member. The amount of this monetary penalty will be established by the “Executive Officers”.
Voted into the club by a unanimous vote of the general membership in attendance at a general meeting of the club. The applicant must attend this meeting and present their desire to be a member.
Payment of dues
Support of club activities including, but not limited to, helping with maintenance of club equipment and the preparations and running of club sponsored sailplane contests, fund raising and community projects.
Section 2:
New members shall be probationary for a period of one year. If it is determined by the “Executive Officers” that permanent membership shall not be awarded to the member, it shall take a unanimous vote of the “Executive Officers” to refuse permanent membership.
Article VI ­Officers
Section 1:   The “Executive Officers” of the Club are the President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer. 
Section 2: This grouping of officers plus other members requested by the “Executive Officers” to serve as consultants to the “Executive Officers” will be called the “Board”. These consultants will not have voting rights in meetings that require “Executive Officers” decisions.
Section 3:   The “General Membership” present at the annual meeting elects the “Executive Officers”. Voting for these officers can take place in person or by a vote cast by mail (either e­mail or regular post to the person assigned by the President to the task of collecting and tabulating the votes).
An announcement shall be published on the club forum by the President two weeks prior to the annual meeting asking non­meeting attending members if they wish to vote for the officers running and to do so by one of the methods mentioned above.

Article VII ­ Accounts
Section 1:   Dues and all other
club income shall be made payable to the Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate financial records, maintaining a checking account, along with the President
and/or other person agreed to by the “Executive Officers”, at a bank of his/her choice and providing to the general membership a written accounting of all financial data at the yearly meeting.

The yearly accounting report shall be published to the Board in January of the following year and made available to the membership upon request. 

Payment of club expenses shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer with the President or other member assigned above as the secondary member of responsibility for debt payment.

Article VIII ­Suspension and/or Expulsion
Section 1:
Any permanent member of the Club whose activities are deemed inimical to the best interests of the club (the reason to be detailed in writing by the complainant to one of the Executive Officers) is subject to suspension, expulsion, or removal from the club. Authority for such suspension, expulsion, or removal requires a two thirds (2/3) affirmative vote
received from the general membership that voted by the Executive Officers ­ less any Executive Officer/s that is/are the subject of the complaint.

The decision to have such a vote will be relayed to the general membership through an e­mail, or club forum. It is mandatory that all members receive notice of the impending action requiring their vote a minimum of two weeks prior to voting.
Section 2:
A written appeal may be directed to the “Executive Officers” by the penalized person within thirty(30) days of notification of suspension.

Article IX­ Amendments
Section 1:
       These bylaws and any  supplements or attachments may be altered, amended, or deleted or replaced by the affirmative vote of the “Executive Officers” and subsequent concurrence of a simple majority of the vote cast by the membership that voted.
An announcement shall be published on the club forum by the present President two weeks prior to voting on any Constitutional changes and the method of voting for or against the announced changes.